Trademark Disclaimers

Aquatanks® is a registered trademark of Galloway International Ltd.

Please note: Aquatanks® is a wholly-owned division of Galloway International Ltd.

Galloway International Ltd and Aquatanks® continuously explores means to improve the products that it designs, manufactures and distributes. Pictures used do not necessarily depict standard features and Galloway International Ltd or Aquatanks® reserves the right to change specifications of its tanks and accessories without notice. Every effort is made to produce sales and service literature which is current. This website should not be regarded as a precise guide to the latest specifications. Distributors and dealers are not agents or Galloway International Ltd or Aquatanks® and they have no authority to bind Galloway International Ltd or Aquatanks® by any express undertaking or representation including but not limited to representations of a products sales, application or service nature.

Summer Water Savers Special